Book 2

The Good Daughter

by Jean Brashear

Published 21 January 2005
When she was good she was very, very good...Chloe St. Claire grew up as a daughter of privilege-but when she started to find the advantages empty, she began to carve out a life of her own. And that meant taking a job as a police psychologist. She's worked for the Austin Police Department for eighteen months, and she's a lot less naive than she was. Still, she's never met anyone like this detective. When he was bad...Vince Coronado is in the worst trouble possible-under investigation by Internal Affairs for killing a man-and his boss has ordered him to spill his guts to a woman who could never understand the world he's from. Their powerful attraction is improbable. Or is it? Because when circumstances lead Chloe to discover lie upon lie about herself she intuitively knows that Vince is the only person who will understand her sense of suddenly belonging nowhere.

The Healer

by Jean Brashear

Published 27 January 2014

She can't stay in his world–and he can't leave his

Brilliant, driven surgical superstar Caroline Malone is desperate to recover from the injury that threatens to end her career, and she'll try anything that might help her heal–including a rest away from it all in the remote Davis Mountains of west Texas.

Half Latino, half Anglo, Diego Montalvo knows exactly how it feels to have fate change your life. Three years ago he lost men as a Special Forces medic, and almost lost his life. Now back in the valley he left to follow the call of ambition–and feeling a measure of peace at last–he's trying to make a new life combining his Western medical training with the nontraditional ways of his Latino heritage as a curandero or folk healer.

Diego's hard-won peace vanishes when Caroline arrives. He understands her world–once it was all he wanted–and there is much he can teach her…if she'll let him. But if he succeeds in healing her, she'll return to a world that's not the world where Diego is needed…or the one he needs.