The International Congress of Mathematicians was an historical event that was held at the Morningside Center of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing). It was the first occasion where Chinese mathematicians from all over the world gathered to present their research. The Morningside Mathematics lectures were given by R. Borcherds, J. Coates, R. Graham, and D. Stroock. Other distinguished speakers included J.-P. Bourguignon, J. Jost, M. Taylor, and S. L. Lee. Topics covered in the volume include algebra and representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory and automorphic forms, Riemannian geometry and geometric analysis, mathematical physics, topology, complex analysis and complex geometry, computational mathematics, and combinatorics.

The collection of articles in this volume are based on lectures presented during the Winter School on Mirror Symmetry held at Harvard University. There are many new directions suggested by mirror symmetry which could potentially have very rich connections in physics and mathematics. This book brings together the latest research in a major area of mathematical physics, including the recent progress in mirror manifolds and Lagrangian submanifolds. In particular, several articles describing homological approach and related topics are included. Other AMS titles edited by S.-T Yau published in the AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics series include, Mirror Symmetry III, Volume 10, Mirror symmetry II, Volume 1, and Mirror Symmetry I, Volume 9.

This book presents the proceedings of a conference on geometry and nonlinear partial differential equations dedicated to Professor Buqing Su in honor of his one-hundredth birthday. It offers a look at current research by Chinese mathematicians in differential geometry and geometric areas of mathematical physics. It is suitable for advanced graduate students and research mathematicians interested in geometry, topology, differential equations, and mathematical physics.