Little Red Hen

by Kaye Umansky

Published 1 August 2013

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.

Little Red Hen finds a grain of wheat but who will help her plant and hoe it? To a lazy chorus of 'WOOF MEOW QUACK QUACK - YAWN!' from her friends, she stamps her feet with a 'CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK' and sets to work. Noisily colourful illustrations and an irresistible audio performance invite us to join the rapping, tapping, toiling and triumphant Little Red Hen.

Billy Goats Gruff

by Kaye Umansky

Published 1 August 2013

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.traditional story as you have never heard it before.

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.

The Billy Goats Gruff find their trip-trapping path to the whispering grass across the oozing river ferociously interrupted by a ROAR!!!! Someone's eying up THEM for his breakfast. Noisily colourful illustrations and a hilarious audio performance invite you to join in with a joyful hullabaloo.

Three Little Pigs

by Kaye Umansky

Published 1 August 2013

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.

Take a great story and lots of silly sounds, mix with a happy helping of children, and you have a recipe for a Kaye Umansky Noisy Picture Book. Riotously funny retellings of favourite tales as you have never heard them before.

Mummy Pig waves goodbye to her three little trotters as they sing themselves off down the road to build new homes. What a din they make with their straw, sticks and bricks and what a gale the Wolf blows up when they won't let him into their proud little houses. But the Three Little Pigs have the noisiest last laugh for all to join in.