How to Be Like Mike

by Pat Williams

Published 1 August 2001
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. But his pre-eminence is more than just extraordinary athletic ability: the lessons of his life-such as focus, passion, hard work, perseverance and accountability-have shaped him into one of the most revered celebrities of the 20th century.
In this inspiring book Pat Williams, motivational speaker and senior vice president of the NBA's Orlando Magic, reveals Jordan's method for living a life of greatness that we can all incorporate into our lives. Fascinating anecdotes and quotes from those who know Michael best provide a glimpse into a persona as sweeping and immense as any generation has ever witnessed. Peppered with examples from Williams's life and those of other star athletes and celebrities, this uplifting book shows that we are, indeed, all capable of fulfilling our full potential. Readers from all walks of life can appreciate and aspire to living life like a champion.

How to be Like Rich DeVos

by Pat Williams and Jim Denney

Published 1 February 2004

In a climate of unscrupulous and unethical business leaders, DeVos is a shining example of how to win the right way.

Rich DeVos, founder of Amway and owner of the NBA's Orlando Magic, possesses qualities rarely found in business leaders today: leadership, wisdom, putting others first, philanthropy, patriotism, focusing on family.

It is these qualities, along with his dedication to Christ, that have made him into the successful leader and beloved figure to millions that he is today.

This newest book in the How to Be Like . . . series focuses on one facet of DeVos's character in each chapter, exploring how that one special quality has helped him to overcome huge obstacles and achieve the highest level of success and fulfillment and how you can benefit from this example in your own life.

Author Pat Williams knows how to deliver a real page-turner by liberally sprinkling the text with quotes about DeVos from his friends, colleagues, NBA players, world leaders and others, and including sidebars that summarize DeVos's easy to follow success secrets.

How to Be Like Walt

by Pat Williams

Published 1 August 2004
How to Be Like is a "character biography" series: biographies that also draw out important lessons from the life of their subjects. In this new book-by far the most exhaustive in the series-Pat Williams tackles one of the most influential people in recent history.

While many recent biographies of Walt Disney have reveled in the negative, this book takes an honest but positive look at the man behind the myth. For the first time, the book pulls together all the various strands of Disney's life into one straightforward, easy-to-read tale of imagination, perseverance, and optimism. Far from a preachy or oppressive tome, this book scrapes away the minutiae to capture the true magic of a brilliant maverick.

Key Features
  • This is for the millions of Disney fans-those who admire his artistry or his business savvy or the products of his namesake company.
  • The tone and style of the book will capture the imagination of younger readers, especially teens, in the same way as How to Be Like Mike.
  • Support within the Disney world includes the daughter and grandson of Walt Disney; nephew and former vice chairman Roy Disney; and numerous Disney insiders who are already spreading the word.

How to Be Like Coach Wooden

by Pat Williams

Published 1 January 2010

What do Oprah Winfrey, Sandra Day O'Connor, Margaret Thatcher, Marie Curie and Sojourner Truth have in common? Not only are they some of the world's most influential women, their life lessons are now revealed in the latest book by Pat Williams.

Williams blends the personal accounts of each influential woman with the contemporary and historical insights of others, what emerges is an intimate portrait of each great person-her motivations, her aspirations, her personal challenges and the qualities that made her so successful at her calling. An added bonus is life lessons at the end of each chapter, which provide remarkable motivation for women who are blazing a new career trail, building a strong family or struggling to "have it all".
This exceptional book highlights a diverse group of women, from activists, businesswomen and humanitarians to athletes, explorers and scientists-it will appeal to any reader regardless of age, occupation or creative pursuits.

Profiles of women of influence include: Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Mary Kay Ash, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Amelia Earhart and others. This is not a history book-it is a perfect blueprint for creating a successful life.

How to be Like Jesus

by Pat Williams and Jim Denney

Published 1 March 2003

No one can be like Jesus yet we can all be like Jesus. In all of history there has never been--and never will be--anyone like Him.

In this extraordinary book, devout Christian and internationally acclaimed speaker, author and sports executive Pat Williams reveals the pure essence of Jesus. Although Christianity teaches that Jesus is God, most people lose sight of His humanity. Through the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Williams helps us understand who Jesus really was--His mind, His wisdom, His love, His humility, His courage and His goodness. The story of Jesus' life is told powerfully and dramatically and the meaning of his teachings is compellingly brought home through contemporary stories of people who exemplify what it means to be like Jesus.

The Jesus of this book is truly the Jesus who lived and identified with us and with whom we also can identify. Williams provides persuasive and provocative insight on how to truly be like Jesus through His teachings and this living example of genuine love, forgiveness, prayer, obedience, service, humility, integrity, leadership, and more.

This uncomplicated and fascinating work will enable readers to learn from Jesus' life, understand his words and build his traits and character qualities into their lives. The quintessential book on how to live a better life and create a positive and lasting effect on the lives of others, How to be Like Jesus may be the discovery of a lifetime.

These women have got game . . . and you can get yours, too!

With 32 never-before-heard interviews and stories about some of the world's most contemporary top athletes and sports pioneers, How to Be Like Women Athletes of Influence celebrates the exciting growth of women's sports . . . and the fearless, multitalented women who are making it happen.

From the locker rooms to the board rooms to the training rooms, Orlando Magic Senior Vice President Pat Williams and sports writer Dana Pennett O'Neil have interviewed many top athletes in every major sport--plus their rivals, coaches, and contemporaries--to give insights, advice, and inspiration to any budding athlete.

- Serena and Venus Williams - - Michelle Kwan - - Annika Sorenstam - Steffi Graf - - Dorothy Hamill - - Mia Hamm - - Jackie Joyner Kersee - Michelle Akers - - Bonnie Blair - - Nadia Comaneci - - Gail Devers - Babe Didrikson - - Chris Evert - - Lisa Fernandez - - Peggy Fleming - Althea Gibson - - Billie Jean King - - Julie Krone - - Lisa Leslie - Nancy Lopez - - Shannon Miller - - Martina Navratilova - - Dot Richardson - Mary Lou Retton - - Wilma Rudolph - - Joan Benoit Samuelson - Dawn Staley - - Pat Summitt -
- Jenny Thompson

Behind Every Great Woman . . . Is Usually Another Great Woman
Whether you are just starting a new career and wondering how to navigate your way through the office politics, or you're facing a milestone birthday and looking to bring more meaning to your life, you will glean useful wisdom, advice, and inspiration from the amazing woman revealed in this book. These women catapulted themselves to the top of their professions against incredible odds: some were homeless, some were poor, and some were outcasts. Yet regardless of their place in life, they remained passionate about their purpose, they embraced their dreams, and dared to use their unique gifts to their fullest.

In a time when most women could benefit from some strong female support and camaraderie, let these women challenge you and encourage you to leave your own mark on the world.