Justin and the Bully

by Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy

Published 18 December 2012
"Justin is thrilled to be on a soccer team. But at his very first practice, he is approached by a tall girl who calls him "Shorty." She tells him he's too little to be on the team and that he should just go home. Justin doesn't know what to do. He loves soccer, but he doesn't want to be teased"--

The Missing Cupcake Mystery

by Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy

Published 1 January 2013
Justin, Jordan, and Jade's mother agrees to buy cupcakes if the trio will wait until after dinner to eat them, but one cupcake goes missing and until the mystery is solved, no one will get dessert.

A Team Stays Together!

by Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy

Published 20 December 2011
In A Team Stays Together!, when the Dungy family heads out to a sporting event, Mom and Dad tell all the kids, "Don't wander off!" But Jordan can't resist getting a closer look at the field-and when he turns around to talk to his dad, he's not there! Uh-oh. This light story about listening will surely ring true for kids who sometimes have a mind of their own.