Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1 primary work
Book 5316
Advances in Software Engineering
Published 1 December 2008
WorkonthisvolumestartedwiththeLipariSummerSchoolonAdvancesinSo- ware Engineering, which the ?rst editor organizedtogether with Alfredo Ferro fromtheUniversityofCataniainJuly2007.Itwasthe19thinawell-knownse- 1 riesofannualinternationalschools,addressedatcomputerscienceresearchers. Thethemesofthecourses,offourone-hourlectureseach,rangedfromdomain andrequirementsengineering(DinesBjoerner,TechnicalUniversityofDenmark, and Florin Spanachi,SAP Research,Germany) over high-level modeling (Egon B.. orger, University of Pisa, Italy) and software product line techniques (Don Batory,UniversityofTexasatAustin,USA)toevolvablesoftware(PeterSestoft, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark) and the evolution of service-oriented software architectures (Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy) in particular for Web services (Boualem Benatallah, University of New SouthWales,Australia)andthecrucialproblemofhowtoreachsecurity insuch evolvingdistributedsystems(DieterGollmann,TechnicalUniversityHamburg- Harburg,Germany).
In two seminars the theme of evolvable software was further developed by the presentationofnew techniques forsoftwaremanipulation with annotations in Java (Vincenzo Gervasi, University of Pisa) and for the code-bricks-based runtime composition of self-evolving programs (Antonio Cisternino, University ofPisa). For unforseeablepersonalcircumstances MichaelJackson(London)was - abletodeliverhislecturesasplanned.However,thisvolumecontainshisre?- tions on which directions software engineering should take to become a truly engineeringdiscipline. This book is not a proceedings volume, but a collection of research papers on themes treated in the school,written with the intent to produce a state-- the art compendium of recent advances in software engineering. However, the contributions re?ect the extensive discussions we had during the two weeks in Lipari. Allcontributions,writtenbetweenAugust2007andJanuary2008,havebeen reviewed,revisedandreviewedagainduringtheperiodFebruary-August2008. We thank the 21 reviewers for their considerable and very constructive work, althoughasusualtheyhavetoremainanonymous.Lastbutnotleastwethank theauthorsfortheircommitmenttothisvolume.
In two seminars the theme of evolvable software was further developed by the presentationofnew techniques forsoftwaremanipulation with annotations in Java (Vincenzo Gervasi, University of Pisa) and for the code-bricks-based runtime composition of self-evolving programs (Antonio Cisternino, University ofPisa). For unforseeablepersonalcircumstances MichaelJackson(London)was - abletodeliverhislecturesasplanned.However,thisvolumecontainshisre?- tions on which directions software engineering should take to become a truly engineeringdiscipline. This book is not a proceedings volume, but a collection of research papers on themes treated in the school,written with the intent to produce a state-- the art compendium of recent advances in software engineering. However, the contributions re?ect the extensive discussions we had during the two weeks in Lipari. Allcontributions,writtenbetweenAugust2007andJanuary2008,havebeen reviewed,revisedandreviewedagainduringtheperiodFebruary-August2008. We thank the 21 reviewers for their considerable and very constructive work, althoughasusualtheyhavetoremainanonymous.Lastbutnotleastwethank theauthorsfortheircommitmenttothisvolume.