Jose Canseco

by Nathan Aaseng

Published 1 April 1989
A biography emphasizing the career of the star outfielder of the Oakland Athletics.

Bruce Jenner

by Nathan Aaseng

Published 1 January 1979
A biography of the young American whose four years of intense training enabled him to win the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.

Eric Heiden

by Nathan Aaseng

Published 1 January 1980

Bob Dylan

by Nathan Aaseng

Published 1 July 1987
Examines the life, career, and music of the influential singer-songwriter who has made significant contributions to the field of folk music and rock and roll.

Dwight Gooden

by Nathan Aaseng

Published 1 May 1988
A biography with emphasis on the career of the record-making pitcher for the New York Mets.

Describes the career of Philadelphia Phillies pitcher, Steve Carlton, only winner of four Cy Young awards.