Work conflicts? Rocky love relationship? Kids running wild? Noted Christian counselor Norm Wright can help! He provides concise, straightforward advice on topics you care about. Drawing on biblical wisdom, practical knowledge, and his years as a professional counselor, Norm fields questions and offers solutions to help you experience great relationships and achieve goals. Topics include:

"I work with a beautiful woman, and the constant temptation is wearing me out.""I've caught my kid stealing three times now. Nothing I do seems to get through to him.""I don't get along with my parents, but they're getting older and need my help.""Women say men are single-minded. We are-that's why we reach our goals. But I'm tired of my wife always saying I ignore her.""My kids are driving me crazy. I keep blowing up at them."

The One-Minute Counselor for Men is great for finding quick answers and detailed enough to provide solid resolutions for specific problems.

Trusted Christian counselor H. Norman Wright gives concise-and-clear answers to your questions on parenthood. Drawing on his years as a professional counselor, as well as biblical wisdom and real-life understanding, Norm helps you with issues that range from "my toddler won't go to sleep at night" to "my teenager refuses to do household chores." You'll discover practical suggestions and innovative ideas in an easy-to-read format:

I really get frustrated talking with my children. They just won't listen, and the more I tell them to listen, the less they do. Help!

If you want to be heard by your children, try talking less. The greater the number of words that come out of your mouth, the more your children's ears and mouths close. Here are three more suggestions...

Offering plenty of encouragement and hope, The One-Minute Counselor for Parents is short enough to quickly glance through and detailed enough to refer back to when specific issues arise.