Book 1

The Birth of Jesus

by Judy Hamilton

Published 30 September 2016
Suitable for children aged 5+, these favourite Bible stories are retold by Judy Hamilton, and illustrated by Lindsay Duff. They are especially suitable for reading aloud. The Birth of Jesus is the story of how an angel of God appears to Mary in Nazareth, and tells her she will have a baby called Jesus, in a miraculous birth. The angel says 'Jesus is the Son of God'. Mary marries the carpenter Joseph. In that time Rome ruled Israel and a census meant men had to return to the town of their birth, so Mary then travels with her new husband Joseph to Bethlehem. She gives birth to Jesus in a stable, as there is no room anywhere else, and certainly not at the inn. The angel of the Lord appears to three wise men, and three shepherds who are told to travel to the stable to see the Son of God, who is a Saviour for all the people. They travel. Then the Angel appears again and warns Mary that King Herod is having all baby boys under the age of two killed, so Mary and Joseph flee to Egypt, and later return to Nazareth after Herod dies.

Book 2

Jesus Calls His Disciples

by Judy Hamilton

Published 30 September 2016
Jesus Calls His Disciples is the story of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist, who at first feels too humble to be worthy of this act. Then how Jesus asks two fishermen, Simon and Andrew, in Galilee, to take him out on the water so he can preach to the people who have gathered on the shore. The fishermen take him, but explain they had caught no fish that day. Jesus tells the men to let out their nets, and the fishermen suddenly catch many fish. Jesus then asks the men to come with him, as his disciples and to be 'fishers of men'. Jesus teaches his disciples about the values of love, humility and the evils of greed and envy. Jesus also teaches and shows the importance of having faith and trust. He picks Simon Peter to be his 'rock' on which Christianity is built ('Peter' means 'stone'.)

Book 3

The Good Samaritan

by Judy Hamilton

Published 26 September 2016
The Good Samaritan is the story Jesus told a lawyer who asked him 'who is my neighbour?' Jesus tells the man the parable we now know as the story of the Good Samaritan. A man is beaten and robbed, and left by the roadside. A priest and a Levite pass by, but the Samaritan helps him. The story shows you have to be prepared to help someone no matter who they are and what they believe in. Suitable for children aged 5+, these favourite Bible stories are retold by Judy Hamilton, and illustrated by Lindsay Duff. They are especially suitable for reading aloud.

Book 4

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

by Judy Hamilton

Published 30 September 2016
The Feeding of the Five Thousand tells the story of Jesus turning five loaves and two small fish into enough food to feed the 5000 people who had followed Jesus to the lake. It also includes the story of Jesus walking on the water in a big storm and helping to save Peter from the water. Suitable for children aged 5+, these favourite Bible stories are retold by Judy Hamilton, and illustrated by Lindsay Duff. They are especially suitable for reading aloud.