Cover Her Face

by P. D. James

Published December 1962
Specially selected by Maura Healy, this series aims to offer an innovative and adventurous collection of texts that demonstrates the best of women's writing, both black and white. Complete texts reflecting a range of genres as well as different cultures and experiences are offered and the volumes contain study...Read more

A Mind to Murder

by P. D. James

Published 28 November 1974
A hideous scream pierces the calm of the evening psychotherapy session. The body of a woman lies sprawled in the basement of the Steen Clinic, a chisel thrust through her heart. Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh, relaxing at a literary party close by, hurries over to investigate the murder.

Unnatural Causes

by P. D. James

Published September 1973
Terror strikes the hearts and minds of the bizarre friends of Maurice Seton, the famous mystery writer, when they learn that his mutilated corpse was found in a drifting dinghy.