Shire Album S.
4 primary works
Book 310
Book 363
British ceramics of the 1950s are highly evocative of a decade of optimism and change in British life. The austerity of war was quickly banished by a new breed of young consumer who had money to spend and who demanded ceramics which were bright, exciting and, above all, modern. This book considers how pottery manufacturers met this challenge, producing ware which is again prized today for its innovative and daring design.
Book 386
The 1960s were intense and dynamic years of change for the visual arts in Britain. Ceramic design felt the full force of a revolution seen first in youth culture and fashion design. The British pottery industry moved away from a dependence upon foreign styles and developed instead the 'British Modern' style. By the end of the 1960s Britain was regarded as a world leader in design.
Book 403
In this book, Dr. Graham McLaren considers one of the liveliest areas of the decorative arts to emerge during the second half of the twentieth century. The new approaches to glassmaking that evolved during the 1960s liberated glassmaking from the factory and placed it in the hands of individual glassmakers. The result has been a glassmaking movement that has produced colourful, innovative and exciting work. Concentrating on the British context, this book provides an introduction to the work of significant contemporary makers along with the themes and ideas that have shaped their work.