Book 5

The Usaf's first successful jet fighter, the F-80 actually made a name for itself in combat as a strike bomber during the Korean War. A Shooting Star also shot down the first MiG-15 lost during the campaign in what is believed to have been the world's first ever jet-versus-jet engagement. Read in this volume how the 8th and 49th Fighter Bomber Wings in Korea, F-80Cs completed an amazing 98,515, combat sorties, shot down 37 aircraft (including six MiG-15s), dropped 33,266 US tons of bombs and fired off 80,935 air-to-ground rockets. Aside from the fighter-bomber F-80C photo-recce RF-80A/Cs and 'hack' two-seat T-33s are also featured.

Book 6

The 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing (FIW) was sent to Korea in December 1950 expressly to deal with the threat posed by the all-new MiG-15 fighter that had made its combat debut the previous month. It remained the sole Sabre wing in-theatre for a full year, its pilots tangling with Russian-flown MiGs up over the Yalu River on a near-daily basis. Through sheer skill and superior machinery, the 14th FIW prevailed and the skies over North Korea remained in UN control. This book includes numerous photos of aces and their aircrafts, as well as extensive first-hand accounts.