
by James O'Reilly and Larry Habegger

Published 1 April 2000
Best-selling authors and a favorite destination come together in a collection of surprising and heartwarming stories.


by Larry Habegger and Sean O'Reilly

Published 16 February 2002
The stories range from delightful and funny to cautionary and inspiring, and provide readers with a road map that deepens and enriches their travels.


by James O'Reilly and Larry Habegger

Published January 1995
"This is the stuff memories can be duplicated from." - Karen Krebsbach, Foreign Service Journal


by James O'Reilly and Larry Habegger

Published 1 October 1994
"The first title in a revolutionary new style of travel guidebooks.... It is an enriching and absorbing collection - a perfect traveling companion." - New York Times News Service


by James O'Reilly and Larry Habegger

Published 1 July 1995
"Like gourmet chefs sampling the produce in an overstocked French market, the editors pick, sift, and prod their way through the weighty shelves of contemporary travel writing. They have impeccable taste."


by James O'Reilly and Larry Habegger

Published 1 September 1994
It's winter. The holidays are over. For those living in areas where it's still snowing, and even where it's just cold or rainy, it's the time of year when magazines, newspapers, radio, and television are tantalizing us with ads of warm beaches, sunshine, relaxation, water sports, and foo-foo drinks with little umbrellas sticking out of them. Many of us would love to be able to travel to someplace warm, or to a far away place for a new adventure. However, we may not have the time or the resources to do so. Fortunately, Travelers' Tales has just the armchair adventure travel anyone can experience -- the beaches of Thailand, dining on the banks of the Seine, running with the bulls of Pamplona, purchasing a suit in Hong Kong, climbing the Himalayas -- all for only $17.95 (no shots or visa required). O'Reilly and Travelers' Tales have created a national campaign to help you promote Travelers' Tales titles as the great getaway -- for cheap. We'll provide you with marketing materials (signage, T-shirts, buttons, postcards, special discount for inventory order, ad slick, and book displays) to create a window or in-store display during the month of May 1997. The store with the best display wins an overstuffed armchair fully equipped with an airline style seat belt. We'll also provide you with shelftalker coupon books with space on the front for you to stamp your store name and address. The coupon is redeemable for 10% off the purchase of a Travelers' Tales book. Your customer simply tears off the coupon from the shelftalker, completes the information (name and address) on the back, and gives it to the cashier when they're ready to purchase a book. At the end of each month you send us thecoupons used by your customers, and we'll credit your account. We understand that you might be hesitant to send in coupons with the names and addresses of your customers. The reason for retrieving this information is so you can build your customer list, and so we can send a Travelers' Tales newsletter to your customers informing them of new titles available from their local bookstore -- including a reference to your store.