Book 1

The third novella in Simon Scarrow's Roman Arena series sees gladiator Pavo and mentor Macro fight for their lives amid a bloody revolt.

The imperial gladiator school in Capua: once the pride of the Roman Empire, lately driven to the brink of ruin by a greedy lanista. Now the school...

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Book 1

The first in a series of action-packed novellas set in Ancient Rome introducing Pavo, a novice gladiator, and featuring Simon Scarrow's ongoing soldier character Optio Macro.

It is AD 41. The savage Gaul Britomaris has defeated the best of the Roman gladiators in the arena. Now a young volunteer, Marcus...

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Book 1


by Simon Scarrow

Published 2012

Book 2

The second novella in Simon Scarrow's Roman Arena series, following novice gladiator Pavo's next gruelling test, which will put mentor Macro's loyalties on the line.

Rome under the rule of the ruthless new Emperor Claudius is a dangerous place. Condemned to gladiator school Marcus Valerius Pavo, the son of a...

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Book 4

The opening day of the Games in Rome is a time for celebration in honour of the new Emperor. But for Marcus Valerius Pavo, a young military tribune fallen from grace, only despair awaits. Along with former mentor, Optio Macro, Pavo must fight for his life in a ferocious...Read more

Book 5

The fifth and final instalment in Simon Scarrow's electrifying ARENA series sees gladiator Pavo face his most gruelling battle yet as strives to avenge his father's death.

From the moment his father was executed in the arena for an act of treason, former military tribune and condemned gladiator Marcus Valerius...

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