Book 1

Only You

by Denise Grover Swank

Published 14 June 2016

Retired Marine Kevin Vandemeer is back in his hometown, working construction and avoiding his mother's matchmaking attempts. While he figures out what to do next, he moves into a fixer-upper, planning to renovate and flip it. But when he meets his new next-door neighbor, he starts rethinking his bachelor ways.

Time and distance have done little to reduce Holly Greenwood's crush on Kevin Vandemeer, and that's unlikely to change now that he lives next door. She has too much going on to let herself be distracted by a man who doesn't want a relationship. But the more time they spend together, the more Holly's teenage crush is turning into grown-up feelings. Feelings he doesn't reciprocate. But what if he does?

Book 2

Until You

by Denise Grover Swank

Published 25 May 2017

When career-focused Lanie Rogers meets playboy Tyler at a mutual friend's wedding, the sparks between them are immediate. She's only in town for a few weeks to open a new location of her business, and he's not interested in anything serious either. A no-strings relationship sounds perfect. Besides, what could go wrong...

After his last relationship ended in disaster, Tyler Norris vows to stay away from women. That's easy until Lanie. She's smart and funny, and before he knows it, they're spending every day and night together. Tyler knows he's finally met the one woman he can't let go...but can he convince her to stay?

Book 3

Always You

by Denise Grover Swank

Published 28 November 2017

Matt Osborne had always planned to get married and have a family. But at thirty-four, he's no closer to his goal, so he's decided to embrace his role as the remaining member of the Bachelor Brotherhood. He's only loved one woman-his college sweetheart-but she never shared his dream of a family, preferring to focus on her career and maybe get married someday. With neither budged on their decisions, they agreed it was best to part ways. Now nearly twelve years later, Matt is stunned when Anna shows up at his nephew's soccer practice-with her five-year-old son in tow.

Single mother Anna Field has returned home to care for her widowed and ill father. She never thought she'd run into Matt during the six months she's there, but now he's the coach of her son's soccer team. She'd move Toby to a different team, but his new best friend happens to be Matt's nephew, Ethan. As Anna and Matt spend more time together, the realize that their attraction-and love-are still there, just waiting for a spark to reignite. And once it's lit, Matt has no plans to let her go again.