Take a chronological look at a whole host of intrepid explorers. Blast around the world with the brave (and sometimes slightly foolish) men and women who crossed the icy poles, sailed uncharted waters, discovered continents, made friends (but more often enemies) of Native North and South American tribes and got mauled by lions in Africa and more. Discover if you would have had what it takes to be a ruthless conquistador, take part in a chilly Antarctic trek, navigate a viking ship or brave the long and dangerous Silk Road!

Blast Through the Past takes a look at some of the weird jobs people in the past had to do and the skills they needed in order to explore new lands, win battles or make amazing breakthroughs in science. Get under the skin of the most famous and infamous, the cleverest and some of the the barmiest people who have shaped history.

Blast Through the Past is a series aimed at children aged 8+. These books build historical skills at Key Stage 2 by encouraging children to consider cause and effect, and why certain events happened at certain times.

Take a chronological look at a some very clever scientists and inventors. Blast around the world with the brainiest people to have lived, beginning (logically) with the ancient Greeks, Plato and Hippocrates! Find out that the invention of concrete is a lot older than you might think and that for hundreds of years people believed that the Sun orbited around Earth. Discover if you would have had what it takes to work out why a magnetic rock is brilliant for finding your way, be brave (or foolish) enough to test out medical theories on your own child, become the next big thing in computer science, and discover why making paper was one of the most important inventions of all time!

Blast Through the Past takes a look at some of the weird jobs people in the past had to do and the skills they needed in order to explore new lands, win battles or make amazing breakthroughs in science. Get under the skin of the most famous and infamous, the cleverest and some of the the barmiest people who have shaped history.

Blast Through the Past is a series aimed at children aged 8+. These books build historical skills at Key Stage 2 by encouraging children to consider cause and effect, and why certain events happened at certain times.

Take a chronological look at a some very adventurous pirates. Blast around the world with the raiders of the high seas and find out what life was (and still is) like for these often ruthless criminals of the waves. Discover if you would have had what it takes to be the captain of a pirate ship, sail the 'pirate round', fight for your life or brave long voyages to hostile lands!

Blast Through the Past takes a look at some of the weird jobs people in the past had to do and the skills they needed in order to explore new lands, win battles or make amazing breakthroughs in science. Get under the skin of the most famous and infamous, the cleverest and some of the the barmiest people who have shaped history.

Blast Through the Past is a series aimed at children aged 8+. These books build historical skills at Key Stage 2 by encouraging children to consider cause and effect, and why certain events happened at certain times.

In Knights, find out all about the very first knights who served King Charlemagne. Battle your way through the Middle Ages with spears, swords and lances and find out about Knights overseas, including what happened during the crusades. Discover the samurai and sipahis - knights from Japan and the Ottoman Empire. Find out whether you'd have the skills to keep the peasants in line, to loyally serve your king, or win a jousting tournament.

Blast Through the Past takes a look at some of the most influential jobs (legal or otherwise!) and gets under the skin of of the most famous and infamous, the cleverest and the barmiest people who have shaped history. Take a chronological look at knights, spies, ancient warriors, explorers and more, and discover if you have what it takes to be a pirate on the high seas, an undercover agent or a fearsome gladiator.

Blast Through the Past is a series aimed at children aged 8+.