
by Gillian Slovo

Published 26 May 1994

Who knows that Kate Baeier is back in London?

Who wants her gone so badly?

What is everyone- even her former sleuthing partner- hiding from her?

Still raw with grief over the death of Sam, her lover, Kate finds herself the target of inexplicable threats and then violence. Has her last abandoned case- its tendrils of corruption reaching from Hackney to Chelsea- come back to haunt her? Witty, dark and classy, this fast-moving thriller doesn't finish until the devastating truth is hounded down by the unstoppable Kate.

Close Call

by Gillian Slovo

Published 15 May 1995

FWPC Janet Morris is in trouble - in her own police station - and even Kate Baeier is unable to help her.

Is it because WPC Morris can't call for help?

Or is it something even more sinister?

After five years abroad as a war reporter, interviewing Chief Superintendent Ellis for a personality piece should be straightforward for Kate Baeier. And it is. Until she hears of WPC Morris' alleged rape - in Ellis' station - and begins to ask quetions. Evasions and silence quickly turn to threats as Kate, tenacious - and sometimes reckless - pursues all increasingly terrifying collision course with the truth.