Another Roadside Attraction

by Tom Robbins

Published 19 March 1973
What if the Second Coming didn't quite come off as advertised? What if the Corpse on display in that funky roadside zoo is really who they say it is - what does that portend for the future of western civilization? Another Roadside Attraction answers those questions and a lot...Read more

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

by Tom Robbins

Published 1 April 1976
“This is one of those special novels—a piece of working magic, warm, funny, and sane.”—Thomas Pynchon

The whooping crane rustlers are girls. Young girls. Cowgirls, as a matter of fact, all “bursting with dimples and hormones”—and the FBI has never seen anything quite like them. Yet their rebellion...Read more

Jitterbug Perfume

by Tom Robbins

Published 1 November 1984

Jitterbug Perfume is an epic. Which is to say, it begins in the forests of ancient Bohemia and doesn't conclude until nine o'clock tonight [Paris time]. It is a saga, as well. A saga must have a hero, and the hero of this one is a janitor with a...

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Skinny Legs and All

by Tom Robbins

Published 1 April 1990

An Arab and a Jew open a restaurant together across the street from the United Nations....

It sounds like the beginning of an ethnic joke, but it's the axis around which this gutsy, fun-loving, and alarmingly provocative novel spins, in which a bean can philosophizes, a dessert spoon mystifies,...

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