Book 2

What Makes It Swing?

by Stewart Ross

Published 15 August 2002

Book 3

How Does A Trumpet Work?

by Stewart Ross

Published 29 August 2002

Book 5

How Does A Ship Float ?

by Stewart Ross

Published 28 March 2002
A group of characters introduces basic science questions and answers them using simple hands on projects. These fun projects encourage younger children to think about and investigate the world around them, while introducing them to fundmental science principles. Why does a ship float? looks at floating and sinking. Four characters use their experiences rowing on a pond, in the padding pool and at the beach to find out about and understand the science of floating and sinking. Topics include which materials float or sink? which shapes float well? and does air help things to stay afloat?

Book 6

Why Does It Fall Over ?

by Stewart Ross

Published 28 March 2002
A group of characters introduces basic science questions and answers them using simple, hands-on projects. These fun projects encourage younger children to investigate the world around them, while introducing them to fundamental science principals. Will it topple over? looks at weight and balance. Four characters use their experiences in the playground to understand the science of things that fall over. Topics include: How does a seesaw work? What makes things heavy? and Why do I fall down?

Book 7

These fun projects encourage younger children to investigate the world around them, while introducing them to fundamental science principals. How do wheels work? looks at rolling and sliding. Four characters use their experiences playing out in the garden to find out about and understand the science of friction. Topics include Why are slides smooth? Why do things skid in the wet? and How does a hovercraft work?

Book 8

These fun projects encourage younger children to investigate the world around them, while introducing them to fundamental science principals. Where did the ice cube go? looks at melting and freezing. Four characters use their experiences in the snow and around the house to find out about and understand the science of heat and cold. Topics include: What is ice? Why do things melt? and What happens when things boil?

Book 10

How Tall Is That Plant?

by Stewart Ross

Published 8 May 2003
A group of characters introduce basic science questions and answer them using simple, hands-on projects. These fun projects encourage younger children to investigate the world around them, while introducing them to fundamental science principles. How tall is that Plant? Looks at measuring the length and height of objects, comparing different measurements, guessing heights, and weighing and measuring volume.

Book 12

How Long Did I Sleep?

by Stewart Ross

Published 22 May 2003
A group of characters introduce basic science questions and answer them using simple, hands-on projects. These fun projects encourage younger children to investigate the world around them, whilst introducing them to fundamental science principles. How Long Did I Sleep? Looks at measuring time during the 24 hours of the day, calendars, using the sun to measure time, units of time, and differences between short and long time.