This essential guide to inheritance tax provides a clearly structured analysis of the major inheritance tax provisions together with relevant tips, pitfalls and planning techniques needed to apply them successfully. Inheritance Tax 2015/16 guides you step-by-step through the complexities of this increasingly difficult subject. It starts with the basic rules and principles before looking at topics in more depth, including lifetime transfers, gifts with reservation of benefit, settled property, and the various exemptions and reliefs including business and agricultural property relief. Whatever your level of expertise and experience, this book should be a valuable asset to your practice. Bloomsbury Professional Core Tax Annuals include 'signposts' at the beginning of each chapter containing a summary of the main points and cross-references to relevant sections of the chapter. These, along with the 'focus' sections highlighting the key points in each chapter and examples which are presented in shaded panels for easier reference, makes Inheritance Tax 2015/16 a convenient and accessible resource.
As usual this edition is packed full of practical features including worked examples, precedents, and common-sense know-how. Tax advisers using this book will find it a helpful asset, no matter how complicated the inheritance tax scenario encountered. Inheritance Tax 2015/16 covers: IHT on death; Gifts with reservation of benefit; Interest in possession trusts; Exemptions and excluded property; BPR and APR; Wills and estate planning; The family home; Lifetime transfers; Valuation of assets; Compliance; Relevant property trusts; Reliefs - general; Lifetime planning; Transferable nil rate band; Pre-owned assets. Previous print edition ISBN: 9781780434278

Capital Gains Tax 2015/16 examines the current legislation and HMRC guidance in a comprehensive and accessible style and is an invaluable book for all those who deal with capital gains tax on a regular basis. This established title uses plain English and includes examples and the up-to-date tax cases throughout to aid accurate comprehension of the latest legislative changes. All coverage is up to date to Finance Act 2015. Bloomsbury Professional Core Tax Annuals include 'signposts' at the beginning of each chapter containing a summary of the main points and cross-references to relevant sections of the chapter. These, along with the 'focus' sections highlighting the key points in each chapter and examples which are presented in shaded panels for easier reference, makes Capital Gains Tax 2015/16 a convenient and accessible resource. This popular title covers: Introduction to capital gains tax; Disposals; Computation of gains and losses; Particular assets; Residence, ordinary residence and domicile; Partnerships; Administration of an estate; Settlements. Previous print edition ISBN: 9781780434247

Trusts and Estates 2021/22 is a practical and accessible reference book that provides clear guidance on compliance and operation under current law and is indispensable when starting, running or ending a trust, or dealing with a deceased's estate.

Written by two of the leading experts in this field, this book enables practitioners to gain a better understanding of current tax law so they can confidently organise their clients' financial affairs in a tax-efficient and compliant manner.

This accessible reference guide has a user-friendly structure with 'signposts' at the beginning of each chapter to summarise key topics and 'focus points' throughout to highlight important issues, as well as numerous worked examples demonstrating how to apply the main principles in practice.

Taking on a practical approach to the subject and concentrating on the most commonly found transactions and reliefs, this is an invaluable title for those who deal with capital gains tax on a regular basis.

The latest edition examines the current legislation and HMRC guidance in a clear, comprehensive style.

The commentary in this title includes numerous examples, updated to the current tax year, and is cross-referenced to the tax legislation as well as to the HMRC manuals and to other HMRC guidance.

This accessible reference guide has a user-friendly structure with 'signposts' at the beginning of each chapter to summarise key topics and 'focus points' throughout to highlight important issues, as well as numerous worked examples demonstrating how to apply the main principles in practice.

Provides a clearly structured analysis of the major inheritance tax (IHT) provisions together with the tips and planning techniques needed to apply them successfully and to avoid potential pitfalls.

This essential guide to IHT helps you navigate progressively through the complexities of an increasingly difficult subject. It starts with the basic rules and principles before looking at topics in more depth. Whatever your level of expertise and experience, this book will be a valuable addition to your practice library.

This accessible reference guide has a user-friendly structure with 'signposts' at the beginning of each chapter to summarise key topics and 'focus points' throughout to highlight important issues, as well as numerous worked examples demonstrating how to apply the main principles in practice.