Book 136

Chindit 1942-45

by Tim Moreman

Published 10 April 2009
The Chindits were a specially organized, equipped and trained body of men employing innovative fighting methods based on ideas originally developed by Major-General Orde Wingate. Raised to fight deep behind Japanese lines in the Burmese Jungle in World War II, their contribution to the Allied cause remains controversial to this day. Accompanied by full-colour illustrations this book describes the origins of this elite formation, detailing their recruitment, training and specialist fighting methods, and reveals the distinctive dress, equipment and weapons used, as well as the immense hardships suffered by the officers and men involved.

Book 148

Nicknamed the 'Libyan Desert Taxi Service' by the SAS, the Long Range Desert Group was tasked with strategic reconnaissance and raiding operations deep inside the enemy-held deserts of North Africa. Armed with light weapons only, and equipped with specially converted light cars and trucks capable of withstanding the harsh conditions, the LRDG quickly proved it could operate in parts of the desert which other troops, including the enemy, found impassable. This new Warrior title, examines the soldiers of the LRDG from the group's formation, through training, to combat in vast, lonely, and deadly deserts of North Africa.

Desert Rat 1940-43

by Tim Moreman

Published 20 November 2011
The Desert Rats earned their famous nickname fighting against Axis forces in North Africa. At first the name referred to troops of the 7th Armoured Division, but later expanded to cover all Commonwealth troops: British, Australian, New Zealand and Indian, who fought in the desert from 1940-43. This book opens with a look at the unique conditions that the Desert Rats encountered in the Western Desert, then examines the recruitment and training of the men, and the evolving fighting methods and training of what eventually became the Eighth Army. Using photographs and newly commissioned artwork, the book also covers the distinctive dress, equipment and weapons carried into battle by the Desert Rats.