Jack Parker Comes of Age

by Ed Roberts

Published 30 April 2019
Jack Parker, the fifteen-year-old son of the sheriff of Mayfield, does not enjoy a close and loving relationship with his father. When a vicious range war erupts in the area, Jack and his father are drawn closer when they find themselves fighting against an incursion by a band of Texan freebooters, and for a time it looks as though the youngster is destined to follow in his father's footsteps by becoming a lawman.

Archer's Luck

by Ed Roberts

Published 1 June 2017
When drifter Lew Archer meets a priest, while travelling along a lonely road in Texas; he thinks nothing of it. But this chance encounter sets in motion a train of events which, strange to relate, sees Archer undertaking to escort a party of nuns through hostile territory to start a school on the Mexican border. With war and bloodshed around them, it will be a miracle if they manage to make their way to safety. If anybody can help them achieve their aim it is Lew Archer, although we he should take the trouble to do so is a mystery to everybody; including Archer himself!