Tracking Apache Joe

by George Arthur

Published 28 December 2018
A small band of renegade Apache led by Broken Hand have captured the daughters of a preacher and are headed for Mexico. After them are Anson Hawkstone and Black Feather, scouting for the army, plus the preacher with four gunmen, and a cavalry patrol that cannot cross the Mexican border. Added to that, Apache Joe and his Choctaw squaw are trading smallpox and typhoid blankets to Apache villages throughout the territories, and are headed for the village where Hawkstone's woman, Rachel, lives and works as the nurse-doctor. Closing in on the renegade band, Hawkstone is torn between rescuing the preacher's daughters, and deserting them in a ride to save his woman from disease. Can he do both?

Open Range Fury

by George Arthur

Published 31 August 2018
Anson Hawkstone is on the trail of an errant husband who deserted his wife and infant child to become a cowboy in Wyoming Territory. But Hawkstone's quest becomes complicated when he encounters three women - a deserted Mormon wife, a white Kiowa captive, and a Chinese girl abandoned by her parents - and ends up escorting them on their wagon journey to Cheyenne. But a range war is about to happen and Hawkstone and the women become caught up in it, leading to an inevitable showdown involving Hawkstone, a ranch foreman, a bounty hunter, and the missing husband.

Shadow Shooters

by George Arthur

Published 26 March 2018
Released from Yuma Prison in the fall of 1878, after serving three years for bank robbery, Anson Hawkstone returns to the Apache village where he lived, determined to find Rachel, his former love, and give up the outlaw trail. However, things do not go as planned when he is forced to take part in a stagecoach hold-up after Hattie, an Apache princess, is taken hostage. Hawkstone is pushed to the limit in trying to avenge the wrongs committed by other men before he can finally be reunited with Rachel.