I Used to Know That

by Caroline Taggart

Published 19 June 2008
If you've forgotten the capital city of Chile; the basics of osmosis; how to solve a quadratic equation; the names of the Bennet sisters in Pride and Prejudice; who wrote the famous poem about daffodils; the use of a conjunction or the number of continents in the world, I Used to Know That will provide all the answers. A light-hearted and informative reminder of all the things that we learnt in school but have since become relegated to the backs of our minds, I Used to Know That features hundreds of important snippets of wisdom, facts, theories, equations, phrases, rules and sayings. A practical guide to turn to when an answer is eluding you, when helping a child with homework or preparing them for the new school year, or maybe just to brush up on trivia for the pub quiz. I Used to Know That covers English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography and General Studies, so never again will you find yourself stumped!

Dust off those cerebral filing cabinets and remind yourself of all those facts you really should know!

From pi and Pythagoras to presidents and popes, prime ministers to prime numbers, literature to litmus tests, there is so much information from our school days that we have forgotten, or only half-remember.

The I Used to Know That Activity Book is an enjoyable and interactive way of reminding ourselves of all those facts that we'd like to remember and re-learn, or those we missed the first time round.

This useful book contains questions across all subjects, perfect to dip into and try your hand at whenever the mood takes you. There is space to fill in the answers and, if you are a bit rusty, all solutions can be found at the back of the book.

An enjoyable, informative and lighthearted activity book for all adults who want to jog their memory and get their brain back into gear.