
by Gordon Jarvie

Published 19 October 1999
Now rewritten and redesigned to include photographs of objects from National Museums Scotland, "The Clans" explains how the idea of clanship developed and traces the one-time hostility between Highlanders and Lowlanders. Readers can find out: where the clans were found; what the connection was with the Gaelic language; who the clan chiefs were, and how the clans were organised; how the clansmen dressed; where clan names came from; how to design their own tartan; and, how to write a praise poem or lament - and more. The book also includes a list of websites and suggestions for places to visit.

The Romans in Scotland

by Frances Jarvie

Published 19 October 1999

This rewritten and redesigned edition of a popular title in the Scotties series, gives a fascinating glimpse into life at the most northern edge of the Roman Empire. Find out: about life in a Roman fort; how and where Roman soldiers lived in Scotland; what the Romans ate; which gods and goddesses they worshipped; how they enjoyed themselves; about Roman technology and medicine; how trade developed; and much more. Scotties are exciting,Scottish information books for young readers with four-colour photographs and illustrations. Each title contains a wealth of interesting facts, stimulating activities for home or classroom use, a list of useful websites and suggestions for places to visit.

Flight in Scotland

by Frances Jarvie and Gordon Jarvie

Published 4 February 2009

In this book on the history of flight in Scotland you can: find out about the man who tried to fly off the wall at Stirling Castle and about Percy Pilcher and his fragile 'Bat' glider; be amazed at the story of Vincenzo Lunardi, and his balloon flight in 1785 from Edinburgh to Fife; see how aircraft are used in war, from the airships, and planes with open cock-pits, in World War I, to the Cold War V-bombers; read about UFOs in the 'Falkirk Triangle', the short-lived Rocket Post and much more; and check out how you can visit Concorde Alpha Alpha at the National Museum of Flight in East Lothian, and the other flying machines there.

Parliaments existed in Scotland, off and on, from about 1200 till there was the Union with the English Parliament in 1707. In 1998 the Scotland Act decreed that 'There shall be a Scottish Parliament' and the new, devolved Parliament opened on 1 July 1999. This Scotties activity book for children aged 9-12 gives the early history of Parliaments in Scotland and then looks in more detail at how the present Parliament in Holyrood works. Scotties are exciting, full-colour Scottish information books for young readers. Each title contains a wealth of interesting facts, stimulating activities for home or classroom use, a list of websites, and suggestions for places to visit.

Scotland's Vikings

by Gordon Jarvie and Frances Jarvie

Published 12 April 2002

Part of the award-winninq "Scotties" series of activity books for children, "Scottish Vikings" tells their story from blood-curdling and violent beginnings to the end of Norse power in 1469. Follow the Vikings as they settled large areas of the north and west of Scotland. Find out: why the Vikings travelled west-over-sea to Scotland; when and where they settled; why they sometimes buried their chiefs in longships; how the Picts and Scots coped with these invaders; and what legacy the Vikings left behind. This new edition includes features such as: expanded and redesigned; an 8-page pull-out black and white section with games, puzzles and drawings for colouring in which can be photocopied by teachers for classroom use; and, photographs of Viking objects from the collections of the National Museums Scotland.