Book 1

Money Is The Motive

by Toni Michelle

Published 10 February 2016

Money is the Motive 2

by Toni Michelle

Published 20 April 2016
Money Is The Motive 2 picks up right where the first series ends. Tori Leigh and her unborn baby girl lives are in jeopardy of ending before the next chapter can begin. When her lover Juice is shot by an unknown assailant and then picked up by Federal Agents, Tori doesn't know which direction to go. Things continue to spiral out of control now that The Feds, Goons and old enemies are all hot on her trail. Tori is faced with making one of the biggest decisions of her life. Does she go into hiding to protect her and the unborn child? Or does she risk it all by going hard and possibly die trying? Who can she turn to? Where can she go? Who can you trust when everyone has a Motive and it's Money?