Environmental Science: A Global Concern 12th AP Edition is a comprehensive presentation of environmental science that emphasizes critical thinking, environmental responsibility, and global awareness. The authors have updated the data, including data on hunger and obesity, waste production, CO2 emissions, and the effect of the 2010 gulf oil spill. They also balance evidence of environmental challenges with ideas for overcoming them. An entire chapter focuses on ecological restoration.


  • Google Earth Placemarks provides interactive satellite imagery to help students understand the geographic context of places and topics. Whenever students see a Google Earth icon in the text, they can go to our Web site to find a Google Earth placemark that takes them to the place being discussed.
  • Text updates represent advances in the field, and include energy (renewable technologies, methane, fracking), climate (the latest EPICA ice core data), and conservation (REDD).
  • Case studies at the beginning of each chapter utiize stories to portray real-life global issues.