The "Star Wars" Trilogy

by Howard Ingham

Published 4 March 2005
Star Wars has captured the imagination of generations since it hit the silver screen in 1977. Luke Skywalker, farm boy to Jedi Knight. Evil Darth Vader and his final redemption. The tragedies and triumphs - we were all hooked! Discover the appeal of the Star Wars Trilogy, and how they affect us all, and find out what the Bible has to say about the issues they raise. The Star Wars Trilogy looks at A New Hope The Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi talking about Star Wars Connect Bible Studies are a print version of an exciting, innovative home group Bible Study series from the Web. All the studies are based on current popular books or films etc. and explore topical issues in a Biblical way. They are designed to be creative and thought provoking, and include a helpful summary for those not familiar with the film or book. Leaders choose from a range of questions or options to encourage their group to relate the Bible to a contemporary media.