Builds student background a component of the print experience that enables teachers to model student responses and build background knowledge and piques interest

In Reading Mastery Fast Cycle, students: 1) Use knowledge of letter sounds and patterns to decode and spell words. 2) Learn to recognize common irregular words. 3) Develop a reading vocabulary of over 1,200 words. 4) Respond to questions, follow instructions, make predictions and draw conclusions.

Storybooks contain selections that are more than 95%decodable so students experience daily success and developfluency quickly.

Workbooks provide skill and comprehension activities andshape students ability to work independently.

The Teacher's Edition provides systematic, explicit instruction built on a foundation of successful research. A wealth of background information and strategies help you provide quality instruction.

Explicit Phonics, fluency, and comprehension are key building blocks in the Reading Mastery Programme Unlike other reading programmes that treat learning as an activity to be watched from the sidelines, Reading Mastery Plus gives students the skills and the clear, explicit instruction and guidance they need to master the fundamentals of reading. Oral language, phonemic word analysis, vocabulary building, fluency, and comprehension are fundamental throughout the programme. As students learn key decoding skills, these skills are applied to help students develop comprehension skills and strategies, so they get the most benefit out of the material they are reading.

Workbooks provide skill and comprehension activities andshape students ability to work independently.

teacher materials include presentation books, teacher's guide, answer key, and spelling book.

Builds student background a component of the print experience that enables teachers to model student responses and build background knowledge and piques interest

Explicit Phonics, fluency, and comprehension are key building blocks in the Reading Mastery Programme Unlike other reading programmes that treat learning as an activity to be watched from the sidelines, Reading Mastery Plus gives students the skills and the clear, explicit instruction and guidance they need to master the fundamentals of reading. Oral language, phonemic word analysis, vocabulary building, fluency, and comprehension are fundamental throughout the programme. As students learn key decoding skills, these skills are applied to help students develop comprehension skills and strategies, so they get the most benefit out of the material they are reading.

Included in student materials are the student book, storybook, workbook, and textbook.

Builds student background in Grade 1-2, the print component that enables teachers to model student responses and build background knowledge and piques interest.

For more than thirty-five years, Reading Mastery Classic has been helping young learners become smarter, learn to read faster and develop effective strategies for understanding. Long recognized for its phonemically explicit, intensive approach for teaching beginning reading, Reading Mastery Classic has proven superior in research studies that measure outcomes with at-risk children. With Reading Mastery Classic, you will provide high-quality instruction that has: Proven to reduce the prevalence of reading problems. Demonstrated the strongest impact on the reading growth of children at-risk. Elevated reading skills of at-risk children well into the average range.

Builds student background a component of the print experience that enables teachers to model student responses and build background knowledge and piques interest

Builds student background a component of the print experience that enables teachers to model student responses and build background knowledge and piques interest

For more than thirty-five years, Reading Mastery Classic has been helping young learners become smarter, learn to read faster and develop effective strategies for understanding. Long recognized for its phonemically explicit, intensive approach for teaching beginning reading, Reading Mastery Classic has proven superior in research studies that measure outcomes with at-risk children. With Reading Mastery Classic, you will provide high-quality instruction that has: Proven to reduce the prevalence of reading problems. Demonstrated the strongest impact on the reading growth of children at-risk. Elevated reading skills of at-risk children well into the average range.