Book 3


by Author Loren D Estleman

Published 2 April 2013
Everyone knows Frankenstein's monster was played by Boris Karloff. But Bela Lugosi also tested for the part. The screen-test footage was lost for decades, until never-say-die film archivist Valentino gets a hot tip about its whereabouts. But it comes with a price far greater than the money he'll have to pay. Someone would kill to get that reel of film, and that makes Val a mortal obstacle who's not ready to die for art. Enter a crew of steampunk fans.

Book 5


by Author Loren D Estleman

Published 6 December 2016
"A killer is reenacting the deaths of Hollywood's blond bombshells, and Valentino must stop him before it's too late in Loren D. Estleman's Brazen. UCLA film archivist and sometime film detective Valentino doesn't take friend and former actress Beata Limerick very seriously when she tells him that she quit acting because of the curse on blond actresses. Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Thelma Todd, Sharon Tate... they all had more fun, but none of them made it out of the business alive, and according to Limerick, she wasn't taking any chances. But when Valentino finds Beata's body staged the way Monroe was found, "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" playing on repeat; he knows Limerick's death was no accident. Police detective Ray Padilla doesn't quite suspect Valentino is the killer, but he can't let him off that easy. After all, the film archivist seems to be involved in more than his share of intrigue and death, which makes him a prime suspect. But Valentino is also a walking encyclopedia of Hollywood knowledge. When another washed-up actress is killed, the crime scene a copy of Thelma Todd's last moments, Padilla enlists Valentino's help in catching a serial killer of doomed blondes before he can strike again."--

NO. 1 OF 3


by Author Loren D Estleman

Published 13 May 2008


by Author Loren D Estleman

Published 9 February 2016
"Valentino, a mild-manner film archivist at UCLA and sometime film detective, is at the closing party for the Red Montana and Dixie Day museum when he is approached by no less than his hero and man-of-the-hour Red Montana, western film and television star. Red tells Valentino that he is being blackmailed over the existence of a blue film that his wife, now known throughout the world as the wholesome Dixie Day and the other half of the Montana/Day power couple, made early in her career. With Dixie on her deathbed, Red is desperate to save her the embarrassment of the promised scandal, and offers Valentino a deal-find the movie, and he can have Red's lost film, Sixgun Sonata, that Red has been hiding away in his archives. Don't accept, and the priceless reel will go up in flames. Feeling blackmailed himself, Valentino agrees and begins to dig. In the surreal world of Hollywood, what is on screen is rarely reality. As he races to uncover the truth before time runs out, his heroes begin their fall from grace. Valentino desperately wants to save Sixgun Sonata ... but at what cost?"--


by Author Loren D Estleman

Published 4 January 2010