Hard to Hold

by Julie Leto

Published 4 August 2010

New York lobbyist Michael Davoli feels like he's been sucker punched when he meets Anne Miller at a Jeff Tweedy concert. And it doesn't take long for him to realize that he's fallen hard when they wind up living in the same Albany apartment building. After all, Anne's hot, his dog likes her, and she can pick a lock faster than Sydney Bristow can disarm a nuke.

Always fiercely independent, Anne's crackerjack reporting skills and keen intellect are no match for the chemical reaction she has to this man with electric blue eyes. But while he effortlessly holds her with his gaze, he withholds the embrace she longs for. Why is he so distant? Has Anne misread his signals? Yet there is no doubt that she's under his skin and he's in too deep when Mike confesses that he harbors two secrets that could keep them apart: He has a neurological disorder that has shadowed him since childhood, and although he's mastered the physical tics so others don't notice, he may never be able to hold her in his arms at night for fear of the bruises he could inflict.

Anne isn't about to let anything like Tourette's syndrome keep her from the man of her dreams. But Mike has a second secret. Will this secret be the one that even a grand passion cannot survive?

With her trademark wit and sensual artistry, Julie Leto knocks this unforgettable romance out of the park and straight to the heart. Based on the true love story between Mike Davoli and Anne Miller, Hard to Hold is a modern-day fairy tale that proves that the best things in life--and in romance--are real.