Valentine Vote

by Susan Blexrud

Published 10 February 2014
Courtney Larson is a lobbyist for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and Eric Morrison is a U.S. Senator from a North Carolina tobacco family. They’re entrenched on opposing sides of a new tobacco tax, with the vote slated for Valentine’s Day. As if that weren’t enough to have them running in opposite directions, Courtney is a sexual novice, and Eric has a framed riding crop in his office that Courtney thinks he uses for carnal pleasure. Their misreading of each other’s intents and desires makes for mixed signals politically and romantically. Can they find common ground on the Senate floor, and more importantly, in love?

Sensuality Level: Sensual

The Gettysburg Vampire

by Susan Blexrud

Published 5 November 2012
Boasting ten ghost tours, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, swarms with tourists in the summer. But in winter, the small town hunkers down for a different attraction - the annual holiday production at Gettysburg College. This year, Abby Potter chooses for her subject the well-known local legend of a Civil War steam locomotive inhabited by ghosts. She embellishes the folktale with a vampire. It's a story line she thinks she invented.

Production of Vampire Train is underway, but Abby has one big problem. She can't find a decent thespian for the leading role. Her boss suggests Malcolm McClellan, Ph.D., a history professor at the college and a renowned Civil War re-enactor.

Abby bristles at the suggestion. She has avoided the brooding, mysterious man for years. With his penetrating stare and quick temper, he exudes danger. But the clock is ticking, and she's desperate. Malcolm will be her actor.

It turns out to be perfect casting . . . too perfect.

Sensuality Level: Sensual

His Fantasy Maid

by Susan Blexrud

Published 20 May 2013
On the eve of Jake Sinclair’s bachelor party, his best man surprises him with a fantasy maid named Amy. Clad in a bikini, she cleans his house and jump starts his heart. She's beautiful, smart, and compassionate. Why is a woman like this working as a fantasy maid? A few days later, his thoughts still distracted by the enigmatic Amy, Jake crashes his car and wakes in the hospital emergency room where his fantasy maid is now wearing scrubs and wielding a stethoscope. Is she a hallucination, or is his fantasy maid a doctor?

Sensuality Level: Hot