Elementary Statistics

by Mario F Triola

Published 1 January 1980
Through explanations, error-free examples and its writing style, this text enables students with different levels of ability to master statistical measurements and apply the concepts they have learned. This edition offers: ten new real data sets used extensively throughout; chapter opening problems linked to the data sets; fully integrated...Read more

Essentials of Statistics

by Mario F Triola

Published 18 February 2002
From SAT scores to job search methods, statistics influences and shapes the world around us. Marty Triola's text continues to be the bestseller because it helps students understand the relationship between statistics and the world, bringing life to the theory and methods. Essentials of Statistics raises the bar with...Read more

From SAT scores to job search methods, statistics influences and shapes the world around us. Marty Triola's text continues to be the bestseller because it helps students understand the relationship between statistics and the world, bringing life to the theory and methods. Essentials of Statistics raises the...Read more

For courses in Statistical Literacy

A qualitative approach teaches students how to reason using statistics

Understanding the core ideas behind statistics is crucial to everyday success in the modern world. Statistical Reasoning for Everyday Life is designed to teach these core ideas through real-life examples...Read more