The Scream

by Penny Bates

Published 18 February 2013
An attack by two dogs has scarred Sally Johnson for life. The physical scars have almost disappeared, but deeper scars remain. Her family moves to Cornwall to start a new life. But it's hard to begin again when the hounds on the moors remind her of the dreadful attack. Can Sally ever find a way to put the past behind her?

Republished as a new edition, this book is one of the Shades 2.0 series. This book is perfect for reluctant teens who still want an exciting, unpatronising story that is relevant to their interests and concerns, but who don't want to read a longer novel. With a length of only 6,000 words, and filled with drama, this story will appeal to all reluctant teen readers.

A Murder of Crows

by Penny Bates

Published 18 February 2013
Ben has moved to the country - and his best friend is a crow that lives in his garden. At school Ben is bullied - especially by next-door neighbour Luke, who calls Ben Crow Boy. Then the bullies force Ben to hurt the thing he loves the most. But none of them believed there was such a thing as Crow Law ...

This book is one of the Shades 2.0 series. This book is perfect for reluctant teens who still want an exciting, unpatronising story that is relevant to their interests and concerns, but who don't want to read a longer novel. With a length of only 6,000 words, and filled with drama, this story will appeal to all reluctant teen readers.