Charlie's world has become a nightmare...

Unable to remember the last year of his life Charlie is faced with the horror of being accused of murdering his best friend and being involved in a terrorist plot. Now he must dodge both the cops and a terrorist organisation to make his way home and clear his name...

Is there no way out for Charlie West?

Jailed for a murder he didn't commit, Charlie is killing time and praying nobody kills him. Charlie was just a normal schoolboy when he woke up unable to remember the last year of his life. Now his memories are returning in sudden painful flashbacks - memories of going undercover in a terrorist organisation.

There are people inside that want Charlie dead and he's not sure who poses the greatest threat - his fellow inmates or the guards. But Charlie isn't the only one in danger. Something terrible is about to happen and Charlie is the only one who can stop it. First he's got to get out of prison...and fast.

The first book in an exciting new series reminiscent of The Bourne Identity and 24

Charlie West studies hard, stays focused and has just gotten the phone number of the prettiest girl in his class. He is thinking about joining the air force after graduation. He is a third degree black belt. He never gets in trouble. Until now. Charlie has woken up in a nightmare. He's strapped to a steel chair, and someone outside the door just ordered his death. . .

Even worse - he can't remember a thing about how he got here.

By calling on his deepest reserves of strength and focus, Charlie manages a desperate escape. . . but his nightmare isn't ending. There's a whole year of his life that he can't remember. A year in which he was convicted of murdering his best friend and working with terrorists. Charlie knows that can't be true. But what is? Staying alive long enough to figure out the answers may be the least of his worries. . .

'You're a better man than you think...Find Waterman.' are the words that have been keeping Charlie West going ever since his nightmare started. Wanted for murder and implicated in terrorist plots Charlie is on the run from everyone - completely unable to remember what actually happened...

But now he's found Waterman will he finally learn the truth and manage to clear his own name?

This is the third action-packed installment of Klavan's Homelander Series.