Leonardo Da Vinci

by Diego Agrimbau

Published 1 August 2017
Born in 1452, Leonardo da Vinci is still, today, considered one of the most talented people ever to have lived. From his world famous paintings and drawings, such as the Mona Lisa and the Vitruvian Man, to his ingenious inventions of the parachute, the helicopter, and the military tank, da Vinci was always a step ahead of his time. Discover the origins of a man who refused to be defined by just one vocation. Whether science and engineering or architecture and art, Leonardo da Vinci was the ultimate Renaissance Man.

Anne Frank

by Diego Agrimbau

Published 1 August 2017
When she turned thirteen years old, Anne received a gift that would change her life: a personal diary. In it, she expressed her desires, fears and hopes while living in confinement with her family during World War II. After the war, despite her early death, her diary became a shocking testimony about the persecution of Jewish people, and an invaluable contribution to the fight for human rights.

Nelson Mandela

by Emanuel Castro

Published 5 October 2017
In 1990, after 27 years of political imprisonment, Nelson Mandela regained his freedom ready to forgive and invite his people to follow in his footsteps, to heal the deep wounds of a divided society. Marking the end of Apartheid in South Africa, he became a symbol of the quest for world peace, but his story began many years earlier. Discover, from the beginning, the life of the man who showed that love and hope can conquer hate and resentment.

Pope Francis

by Emanuel Castro

Published 5 October 2017
In 2013, the white smoke of the Vatican announced to the world the election of the first Latin American Pope. That day, Father Jorge became Francis, but a few weeks earlier, he had been walking the streets of his native Buenos Aires, always close to the needy. Discover the origins of a man who, by setting such an example of love and humility, may succeed in bringing change to the Church, and perhaps the whole world.