100 Facts SAVING THE EARTH is bursting with exactly 100 amazing facts, detailed images and fun activities to help children aged 7+ learn everything they need to know about helping to preserve our planet.
# Kids learn more easily with bitesized information.
# Photographs and artworks aid children who learn through visual prompts.
# Activities allow children to put what they have learned into practice.
100 Facts Saving the Earth includes key topics about our changing planet and future problems, in easily-digestible, numbered facts. Each fact is accompanied by beautiful illustrations and photographs, which add visual meaning to the information for kids.
Essential topics covered in 100 Facts Saving the Earth:
# Global warming, greenhouse gases and climate change
# Our current energy crisis and how to live a much 'greener' life
# Worldwide campaigns and sustainable solutions to try to save our environment
Examples of 'I don't believe it' fascinating facts:
# In a single day a cow can give out 500 litres of methane gas. That's enough to fill more than 100 party balloons!
# The river Thames in London has just 10 percent of the pollution it had in the 1950s because of pollution prevention.
# In prehistoric times, forests covered more than half of Earth's land. Today, almost half of those forests have gone.
Activities to make learning accessible and interactive include:
# Quiz question: Which kind of shopping bag is greenest - plastic, paper or cloth?
# Make a homemade foot soak out of natural ingredients. All you need is oatmeal, skimmed milk powder and some dried rosemary
# Walking instead of using a car reduces the amount of greenhouse gases - Count how many steps you can do in a day


by Miles Kelly

Published 1 April 2008

Extreme Earth

by Miles Kelly

Published 1 February 2008

Polar Lands

by Miles Kelly

Published 1 March 2008

Endangered Animals

by Miles Kelly

Published 1 May 2008

Monkeys and Apes

by Miles Kelly

Published 1 February 2008