How to break the vicious circle of 'never good enough'

Perfectionism can be healthy but when it becomes unhealthy and turns into 'clinical perfectionism' (sometimes referred to as 'dysfunctional perfectionism') is can cause serious problems. It is associated with different mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Those suffering from clinical perfectionism tend to judge themselves predominantly in terms of the pursuit and attainment of personally demanding standards and often feel unable to be flexible and change their goals, despite the significant negative impact that the pursuit of perfectionism may have on their quality of life.


- Description of Clinical Perfectionism
- Clinical Perfectionism and depression, anxiety, eating disorders, chronic fatigue
- Identifying the problem and monitoring
- Overcoming perfectionism - step-by-step self-help course based on CBT principles
- Avoiding relapse
- Case studies
- Other treatments - an overview

How to break the circle of 'never good enough'

Striving for something can be a healthy and positive attribute; it's good to aim high. But sometimes whatever we do just isn't good enough; we want to be too perfect and start setting unrealistic goals.

Such high levels of perfectionism, often driven by low self-esteem, can turn against success and develop into unhealthy obsession, triggering serious mental-health problems, such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), on which this self-help book is based, has been found to be a highly effective treatment and provides relief from that disabling sense of not being good enough.

In this essential self-help guide, you will learn:

- How clinical perfectionism manifests itself
- Effective coping strategies with invaluable guidance on how to avoid future relapse

OVERCOMING self-help guides use clinically-proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. Many guides in the Overcoming series are recommended under the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme.

Series Editor: Professor Peter Cooper

Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge and disordered eating, affect a significant proportion of the general population. They can cause untold suffering to those with the disorder, and those around them, who find themselves at a loss how to help their loved one. For the first time, this unique bundle combines hope and inspiration to those experiencing eating disorders either first-hand or up close. Includes: self-help programmes for the eating disorders and the inspirational diary of recovery written by an ex-sufferer of Anorexia Nervosa, now a Youth Ambassador for Beat, the Eating Disorders association.
Includes the following:

Overcoming Anorexia
Overcoming Bulimia Nervosa & Binge-Eating
Overcoming Perfectionism
Overcoming Low Self-Esteem
Mealtimes & Milestones