Book 1

Book 2

The Empire had fallen, and the Imperial Navy was disbanded leaving James with nothing but his nightmares to remind him of the role he once played in The First Great War. James must now face his new life in a new era where science and technology must share the stage with sorcery and wizardry, and a new ever-present shadow of evil lurks over the remnants of the once great Empire. A new generation of warriors will be needed to fight this battle. James is determined to be part of that new generation and maybe find freedom from the nightmares that control his life. This is Volume II of the Lost Tales of Power series.

Book 3

Book 4

Book 6

Spectra's Gambit

by Vincent Trigili

Published 13 June 2014
An old ally of Grandmaster Vydor comes to him for help because an enemy, perhaps as old as the Empire itself, has turned its sights on the Cathratinairian race and means to wipe them out. Spectra and Dusty are sent to find and stop this new threat, while Spectra begins her plan to change the balance of power for the entire known multiverse. Dusty must decide whether to follow Spectra as she uses this mission of mercy for her own gain, or stand with the Wizard Kingdom, which would put him in direct opposition to his wife. The Lost Tales of Power is an open-ended series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books set in a vast multiverse featuring a mixture of traditional fantasy and science fiction elements.

Book 7

The Sac'a'rith

by Vincent Trigili

Published 13 October 2013
Clear across the galaxy from where Grandmaster Vydor is building his kingdom of wizards, a new darkness is rising up. Soldiers who die in battle are standing back up and switching sides. Entire space stations are being wiped clean of life and the military is powerless. One man, perhaps more dangerous than the darkness itself, is all that stands between darkness and light. The Lost Tales of Power is an open-ended series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books set in a vast multiverse featuring a mixture of traditional fantasy and science fiction elements.

Book 8

Mage Hunter

by Vincent Trigili

Published 13 May 2017
Lyshell is a super warrior. He represents the best that technology can produce in the face of the growing threat from magi, but he shelters a secret so deep that even he does not know it. While he searches for himself, the Cyborg Nation is making a move to grab power and threaten the foothold the Wizard Kingdom has achieved in the Phareon Region. Can Lyshell find himself in time to save what is left of his humanity and stop the cyborgs, or will the very technology he depends on enslave him? The Lost Tales of Power is an open-ended series of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books set in a vast multiverse featuring a mixture of traditional fantasy and science fiction elements. Lost Tales Series: Volume I - The Enemy of an Enemy Volume II - The Academy Volume III - Rise of Shadows Volume IV - Resurgence of Ancient Darkness Volume V - The Sac'a'rith Volume VI - Spectra's Gambit Volume VII - The Sac'a'rith: Rebirth Volume VIII - Mage Hunter Volume IX and beyond - TBA

Book 9

The Cerulean Mines

by Vincent Trigili

Published 2 December 2018