Climate Change

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 26 June 2008

You know that the ice caps are melting, the seasons are changing, sea levels are rising, storms are on the increase, but what can you do about it? Plenty!

This book puts the power back into your hands in the face of the doom and gloom of climate change. You don't have to wait for someone else to sort it out; rather than worry and feel helpless, you can get up and do something.

Climate Change: Simple Things You Can Do to Make a Difference is packed with ideas for action, from simple everyday things that cost nothing to bigger projects that involve more time and money. For example:

Get on your bike - Buy local food - Turn off your TV - Insulate your attic - Recycle and compost - Take the train - Turn down the heat - Install solar panels

Do your part and protect the planet for today and tomorrow.

Perplexed by potatoes? Baffled by beans? Confused by courgettes?

Home-grown food means fresh, organic, tasty meals; less money spent in the supermarket; a lower carbon footprint and, best of all, fun! But how do you do it?

If you've never opened a seed packet before and want to grow your food but don't know where to start, this book is for you. It gives advice on everything from planting seeds to harvesting your crops and dealing with problems - and it doesn't matter whether you have a whole garden or just a patio, a balcony or a windowsill. How to Grow Your Food features a range of vegetables, fruit and herbs that are easy for the beginner to grow.

Click here to a sample preview

Your Money

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 5 March 2009

Packed with tips and resources for making your cash go further in the current economic climate.

* Organise a swap party - clothes, seeds, toys - why buy new?
* Buy food in bulk food with friends - bring the price down
* Save money on the cinema - create a DVD club
* Take a flask of coffee to work and save over GBP1,000 a year
* Join a car share club - you don't need a car!

With recession taking hold and the credit crunch biting, it's not all doom and gloom; whilst it may be harder to make ends meet, there are a lot of little things that you can do to save money, and a lot of money saving ideas give you the chance to get together with other people, cut your waste down and slow down a bit.

Your Money is a simple A-Z guide packed with tips for saving money on everything from credit cards to car boot sales and toys to travel; whether it is managing your mortgage or your mobile phone, finding freebies or creating different ways of having fun which cost pence rather than pounds, this book gives you the information and ideas you need to save cash and ride out the hard times.


by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 16 May 2006
  • Did you know that we use 70% more water today than we did 40 years ago?
  • Or that about 95% of water that gets delivered to our houses goes down the drain?
  • And that a garden hose can use almost as much water in an hour as an average family of four uses in one day?

Our population is growing, our climate changing and our lifestyle demands more and more water. Quite simply, we are consuming too much. And with water usage at an all-time high, rationing is round the corner. But the good news is that there are numerous things we can do both at home and at work to reduce our consumption of water, save money and help the environment.

This book lists 100 ways in which to do your bit. Tips range from simple measures, such as turning off the tap while you clean your teeth to more drastic ones, such as installing a rainwater harvesting system. Interspersed with "Did you know?" facts and photographs throughout, this pocket guide will transform the way you use water.


by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 1 October 2006
Did you know that:

i our demand for electricity grows by about 3% every year?

i just lowering the temperature of your thermostat by 1 degree Celcius can reduce your energy bill by 10%?

i energy-efficient light bulbs last about 12 times longer than ordinary bulbs, and each one will save you about GBP7 a year?

i almost 40% of all the heat that we buy to warm up our rooms escapes through our walls and roof space if theyire not insulated?

i if we didnit leave our TVs and other gadgets on stand-by, we could shut down two power stations?

Weire all using more and more energy: charging up our mobiles and laptops, keeping our rooms so hot that we walk around in short sleeves in the winter, or leaving lights on all day and night whether we are using the rooms or not. But the consequences of using so much so freely is causing our climate to change, and our energy bills to rise.

There are many small things we can do which cost nothing but can make a difference. This book gives you over 100 tips for saving energy, money and the environment, ideas for taking it a bit further with solar installation or wind turbines, plus facts about our energy use and its impact on our climate.

Greening Your Office

by Jon Clift and Amanda Cuthbert

Published 2 July 2007

Greening Your Office shows us why we should green up at work, and covers the many areas where more environmentally friendly initiatives can be put into practice in a simple A-Z format. It includes case studies of successes from offices both big and small to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

The book hows how, by making small changes, individuals and organisations can:
* Reduce costs
* Reduce waste
* Increase sales
* Create a positive feeling at work
* Do your bit for climate change

Greening Your Office is for anyone who works in an office, both management and staff, from the large offices of global corporations to the person working from a home office.