Book 1

Penelope Crumb

by Shawn K. Stout

Published 1 August 2012
 Penelope Crumb is no ordinary fouth grader. And when she discovers that she *gasp* has a big nose she's initially devastated. But when her mother lets her know that she has the same nose as her Grandpa, Penelope perks up. And then she perks up even more when she finds out that Grandpa isn't dead like she expected--he's just gone. And she decides that it's her job to find him. A sweet and funny story with tons of heart and hijinx about Penelope using her big nose to bring her family together.

Book 2

Never Forgets

by Shawn K. Stout

Published 17 October 2013

Book 3

Book 4

Penelope Crumb is not having a very good week. First she accidentally comes to school dressed as an elephant. Next, in gym class she's made to dance with a boy who is known as Lippy Gordon because of how sweaty his lip is. Penelope is mortified. And she's extra mortified when she discovers that Lippy doesn't want to dance with her either!

When Grandpa tells Penelope that he sings to the moon when he's having trouble, Penelope grabs onto this plan. But sometimes you need more than the moon to fix things...

During a fourth-grade field trip to Portwaller History Museum, Penelope fears that she is losing her best friend, Patsy Cline Roberta Watson, and decides to start her own secret museum so that she will never forget anyone important to her.

Awful Vera Bogg is Patsy's new best friend!

Penelope is determined to win Patsy back. When the girls are chosen to paint a mural at Portwaller's Home for the Aged, it's Penelope's chance to show what a great friend (and talented artist) she is.

But then a mean old lady called Nila Wister steals Penelope's paintbrushes, bullies her for treats and curses her with terrible Bad Luck! And, sure enough, no one can agree about the mural, Penelope's in trouble at school (again!), and Vera and Patsy are closer than ever.

Can Penelope find a way to win her Good Luck and her best friend back once and for all?

Some interesting facts about Penelope Crumb...

She has:

A brother so awful he MUST be an alien.
A mum who draws body parts (ewww!).
Her grandpa's nose ... but no grandpa. Her family haven't seen him since her dad died.

So Penelope and her friend Lizzie Maple set off across town to find Grandpa Felix, skipping school, taking trains and calling every F. Crumb in the phone book.

But what if Grandpa Felix doesn't want to be found?

One last fact about Penelope: she doesn't take no for an answer.