Book 164

Most iPad users are familiar with the product's basic functions, but the iPad offers an endless array options, and one doesn't need to be a pro to understand. iPad Secrets provides the millions of iPad owners with a true behind the scenes look into a vault of features and little known short cuts of this sea changing tablet. Direct from a product reviewer at Engadget, the world's most read tech blog, iPad Secrets provides practical information to vastly improve one's tablet experience, and to make the device more useful as a tool. The book includes secrets, tips, and tricks including: Managing Multiple E-Mail Accounts, Contacts, and Scheduling Making The Most Of Multitasking Wrangling iTunes (While Maintaining Your Sanity) Making The Most Of FaceTime...and Those Other Video Calling Solutions AirPlay: Streaming Secrets of the Multimedia Variety Taking Advantage of Wireless Functionality iMessage, And The Wide World of Push Notifications iCloud Integration AirPlay: Streaming Secrets of the Multimedia Variety Taking Advantage of Wireless Functionality iMessage, And The Wide World of Push Notifications iCloud Integration iPad Secrets is ideal for anyone wanting to take advantage of the countless options the iPad has to offer.

Book 167

iPhone Secrets

by Darren Murph

Published 1 January 2012
A top tech blogger takes you behind the scenes for an in-depth look at the iPhone The world s love of the iPhone only continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Darren Murph, managing editor of Engadget and a Guinness World Record holder as the most prolific blogger, explores every amazing capability of the iPhone and shows you how to take full advantage of this remarkable mini-computer. He reveals secret shortcuts, best ways to boost your productivity, how to take advantage of iMessage and push notifications, international iPhone travel tips, how to maximize AirPlay, and so much more.
* Most iPhone users barely scratch the surface of what the device can do; the world's leading tech blogger shares little-known secrets that let you take your iPhone use to a new level * Covers keeping the iPhone synced via iCloud, using mobile social networking and location-based platforms, multitasking, iMessage, making the most of Siri, and using all the video calling options * Helps you maximize wireless convenience with AirPlay streaming media, Wi-Fi calling solutions for international travel, and the GameCenter * Looks at troubleshooting and jailbreaking for peak performance * Perfect for any gadget freak, even those with their first iPhone iPhone Secrets opens up a new dimension of productivity, convenience, and fun for iPhone users.