You Were on My Mind

by Margot Early

Published 1 April 1999
Ivy Walcott is a midwife. She understands the mysteries of birth, the wonder of babies--yet she doesn't know if "she's" ever had a baby. Because Ivy only remembers the last ten years of her life.Then, unexpectedly, she learns that her real name is Gina Till. As Gina, she went missing from a West Virginia town and showed up in Colorado with no idea how she got there.She goes back to Cullen Till, the husband she can't remember, and their daughter, Gabriela. She begins to discover that Gina Till did things Ivy Walcott doesn't like. And she falls in love with Cullen, the man she's still married to--the man whose heart she broke all those years ago

Talking about My Baby

by Margot Early

Published 1 August 1999

The Midwives

This baby is hers!

One night in Texas, midwife Tara Marcus finds a newborn baby abandoned in her car. A baby she desperately wants to keep.

She takes the baby to her hometown in Colorado, hoping to adopt her. But adoption requires money. And it requires a better situation than Tara can offer. A husband, a home....

She needs a strategy, and the best one she can think of is marriage. Dr. Isaac McCrea, a newcomer to town, happens to be a widower with three kids. Surely he needs a wife! So what if he's a doctor-not exactly Tara's favorite species? So what if she falls in love with him despite her outrageous proposal? None of that matters.

Only her baby matters. Her baby and his children.

There Is A Season

by Margot Early

Published 1 December 1999