Book 22

Marriage Truce

by Ann Elizabeth Cree

Published 1 September 2000
Relationships between the Chandlers and the St Clairs were not good, considering Nicholas Chandler had eloped with the wife of Devin St Clair, the Marquis of Huntington. Now the two families had to meet, for Dev's sister Jessica was to marry Adam Chandler. Dev had no idea when he attended the betrothal party that he would end up engaged to Nicholas's sister, Sarah, all because he had come to her rescue when she got into difficulties! What possible success could such a marriage have!

Viscount's Bride

by Ann Elizabeth Cree

Published 6 February 2004
Faced with an unsavory choice of husband or the comfortable love of a sensible man, Lady Chloe chooses a sensible match. But she hasn't counted on Brandt, Lord Salcombe, thwarting her carefully laid plans. With Chloe discovered in a potentially compromising situation with Mr. Sensible, how dare her rescuer, Brandt, insist that the next time she wants a kiss she should come to him! It's not as if the wild and passionate Brandt is ideal husband material himself, but she can't deny his offer is tempting . . .