Nahum to Malachi

by Grace Emmerson

Published 23 October 1998
These six prophets delivered their messages from God approximately 2,500 years ago, but their words still resonate in today's world. Now, as then, God cares passionately about injustice and oppression. He still declares judgement upon individuals, rulers and nations that defy his love and his authority, and treat harshly those they should protect. The justice of God is always tempered with mercy, however, and these prophets called their hearers - and still call us - to repent. Across the many centuries, they speak of the unimaginable blessings and the miraculous restoration that God promises to all who leave their sinful ways and return to him. The People's Bible Commentary (PBC) is designed for all those who want to study the scriptures in a way that will warm the heart as well as instruct the mind.