Book 2

MORE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS expands on the success of John Harrington's popular BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS. This second volume features even more tips and techniques for professional and aspiring photographers looking to operate a successful photography business. Photography is more technologically sophisticated than ever today, but it takes more than a good eye and technical know-how to build a thriving business. A veteran pro photographer, Harrington understands the business, and he gives you the details you need to know in order to succeed. In easy-to-understand language, he covers the essential points of the business of professional photography and guides you toward best practices in client interaction, negotiating contracts and licenses, business operations, and much more (including expanded information on pricing and contract models). The first volume, BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS has been adopted by schools across the country and has won rave reviews. See for yourself how MORE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS can improve your business and put you on the path to success.