Learn to solve statistics problems--and make them no problem!

Most math and science study guides are dry and difficult, but this is the exception. Following the successful The Humongous Books in calculus and algebra, bestselling author Mike Kelley takes a typical statistics workbook, full of solved problems, and...

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Math struggles? This book makes math fun again!

Most math and study guides are as dry and difficult as the professors that write them. In The Humongous Book of Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Problems, author W. Michael Kelley enjoys being the exception. It is full of solved...Read more

Are you a befuddled math student who's struggling with geometry?

The Humongous Book of Geometry Problems is like no other geometry workbook on the market and is the answer for anyone who doesn't speak math. Bestselling author W. Michael Kelley helps make otherwise baffling solutions perfectly clear by...Read more

The only way to learn calculus is to do calculus problems. Lots of them!

And that's what you get in this book--more calculus problems than your worst nightmare—but with a BIG difference. Award-winning calculus teacher W. Michael Kelley has been through the whole book and made a ton...Read more

When the numbers just don't add up ...

Following in the footsteps of the successful The Humongous Books of Calculus Problems, bestselling author Michael Kelley has taken a typical algebra workbook and made notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying concepts and solutions. Students will learn...Read more

Become a trig master in no time!

Most math and science study guides are a reflection of the college professors who write them: dry, difficult, and pretentious. The Humongous Book of Trigonometry Problems is the exception. Author Mike Kelley has taken what appears to be a typical trigonometry workbook,...Read more