Book 1

Merlin's Dragon

by T. A. Barron

Published 18 September 2008
Basil, a small, flying lizard who is searching for others like himself, discovers that there is more to him than he knows, as he becomes engaged in Avalon's great war between the evil Rhita Gawr and the forces of good.

Book 2

Doomraga's Revenge

by T. A. Barron

Published 17 September 2009
Basil becomes Merlin's partner as they battle the mysterious shadows that threaten the new Avalon. A dark magic has been spreading across Avalon. Initially, the events seemed unrelated: a war in Fireroot between the dwarves and the fire dragons, blight in Stoneroot, and disputes throughout the realms. But as...Read more

Book 3

Ultimate Magic

by T. A. Barron

Published 14 October 2010
The dragon Basilgarrad leads the ultimate battle to save the land of Avalon, and finally must decide whether to obey his dear friend Merlin's request, even though it means giving up his powers as a warrior.