Patterns of Chaos

by Colin Kapp

Published 1 June 1972
Bron is a chaos catalyst. He wreaks havoc and destruction as surely as a hurricane wherever he goes. Commando Central has planted an electrode transmitter-receiver deep inside his brain and infiltrated him into the Destroyer Spacefleet to prevent it from gaining absolute mastery of the galaxy. But Bron's own brand of chaos is lethally unpredictable. And when whole planets are annihilated by monster hellburner bombs set on course seven hundred million years ago from distant Andromeda, aimed directly at Bron himself, both sides realise something more colossal, more threatening and infinitely more powerful is taking a hand in Bron's weird destiny . . .

Unorthodox Engineers

by Colin Kapp

Published November 1979

The Unorthodox Engineers are a misfit bunch of engineers, commanded by maverick engineer Fritz van Noon and including, amongst others, a convicted bank robber as quartermaster (on the entirely-sound grounds that he was likely to be the most capable person for the job). They solve problems of alien technology and weird planets in the future.

The Unorthodox Engineers contains:

The Railways Up on Cannis (1959)
The Subways of Tazoo (1964)
The Pen and the Dark (1966)
Getaway from Getawehi (1969)
The Black Hole of Negrav (1975)