Narrative about journey of America's pioneers focussing on a child travelling with his/her family across to the West coast.

Telling the Time

by Patricia J. Murphy

Published 5 July 2007

DK Readers help a child learn to read and encourage a life-long love of reading

Tick, tock. Long ago, people told time using the sun or water – follow a historical timeline and find out how clocks have changed and become more accurate.

DK Readers are part of a five-level highly pictorial reading scheme, which uses lively illustrations and engaging stories to encourage reading. Level 2 have long sentences, increased vocabulary, information boxes and a simple index – read them together with children who are beginning to read alone and with early or reluctant readers.

Over 70 titles in the series.

Hope for the Elephants

by Patricia J. Murphy

Published 16 January 2015

Short stories for children designed to help kids learn how to read and learn to love reading

Hope for the Elephants is a Level 2 Reader, perfect for supporting children who are beginning to read alone. These short stories for children have longer sentences and increased vocabulary that develop confidence and build literacy skills. DK Reads proves that good reads build great readers.

Join David and his grandma on an amazing trip to study these gentle giants in an Asian sanctuary and on an African reserve. Discover how people can give elephants hope for the future.

Hope for Elephants is part of the new DK Reads series, a three-level reading scheme of children's stories that helps kids become confident readers, featuring engaging and illustrated topics. Interactive aspects such as diaries and games provide an element of fun while supporting the story and national curriculum. DK Reads is created in consultation with literacy experts and adheres to levelled reading scheme guidelines so the grammar, vocabulary, and content are absolutely right.